God is a good God and worthy of all praise, honor and glory. Sometimes you just need to kick your shoes off, kneel down, and thank God for who He is in your life.
The story can be shared about David and how he went up against the lion and the bear and in both instances won! Why? Because God was with him. When was the last time you thought that God was with you. When was the last time that you thanked Him for His presence in your life.
If you're like most people, you very rarely thank God but music may be your saving grace so to speak.
Music has a way of lifting our souls and helping us to grab a hold of God's Word and His faithfulness in our lives. It's important in this regard to realize that the Lord Jesus said that The Father desires those who would worship HIm in Spirit and in Truth..
It really doesn't matter how many instruments you play as much as how many connections you make with God as you worship and the strength of those connections.
Hymns, contemporary songs, country western- style gospel- it doesn't really matter. What does is the posture of your heart and your attitude towards a Holy God, who created all and is The Almighty (Revelation 1).
May God give you the grace to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth because whether you are aware of it or not, He is worthy to be praised and worshipped.